Winter Reflections 2023

I think most of us initially come to yoga and meditation to improve our lives and to make ourselves feel better. In general, our lives are chaotic and we want to “control” the busyness of our mind. But, it’s not until we recognize the  interconnectedness of all things that we can gently guide our mind towards equanimity instead of controlling it. We work so hard to manage the Me, Me, Me orientation of self, yet recognizing the suffering of others and taking compassionate action to help is what actually expands our practice and removes the separateness that makes us feel alone. This is Bodhicitta, the awakened heart-mind. When we arrive for practice, actually slow down, come into the present moment and cultivate a heartfelt motivation that what we intend to do is not only for ourselves (which is important) but more importantly, for the benefit of all beings, we come into union, balance, evenness, presence, serenity and ultimately emptiness. This takes time, patience and dedication.

The word equanimity, Upeksha in Pali provokes a variety of interpretations; one of which is passivity but I’m not particularly fond of this definition. Mostly because  it evokes a feeling of non-action like wasting time and energy but perhaps I’m noticing my critical mind when I write about this aversion.
When I work with Equanimity, one of the 4 Immeasurables from the Mahayana tradition, I am able to feel intensity without being overwhelmed. Currently, I have many radical changes in my life all intersecting at once and I could potentially spiral into one or many afflictions but with the aspiration to wake up, practice and sangha, I feel supported and ok..Change is constant, suffering is ongoing and beauty is everywhere.
I am honored to work with a variety of people using the dharma as a guide to navigate and traverse the difficulties of life, old age, disease and death. At the same time, I so enjoy sharing the beauty, joys and ordinariness of this precious life. 


Prajna Paramita: Transcendent Wisdom and the Feminine Essence


Fall Reflections 2022