Book a Private Session

Please email Gretchen to discuss a sliding scale package that best suits your financial needs. Sessions typically last one hour.

Private  sessions are an excellent way to deepen your practice, improve posture, cultivate deeper sleep patterns, work on cutting through obstacles, and establishing a greater understanding about yourself. Therapeutic applications are designed for your specific
needs and trauma or injuries (if any). These sessions also include the following:

  • Offer suggestions and guidance as to how to further your personal practice 

  • Offer Feeding Your Demons as a process of befriending rather than fighting  that which interferes with feeling fully engaged in  your life.

  • Oversee & guide you in your study of yoga and Meditation depending on what you need and where you are going with the work itself as a student or potential teacher.

  • Refer you to other therapies that are outside my field of expertise for you to work with in facilitating your healing.

  • Help you develop more confidence. 

  • Help you to bring meaning to what arises in your practice on and off the cushion/mat.

  • Help you understand how to implement dharma teachings into your daily life and relationships.

  • Give you practical themes & exercises to focus on.

  • Offer you more clarity and understanding of buddhist philosophy and how to integrate this into your life.

  • Help guide you along the path according to what healing you most need. ​

Rope Wall

This approach to yoga asana originates from the Iyengar system.  It’s also known as “yoga karunta” because karunta translates as puppet in Sanskirt.  The support of the ropes offers freedom to suspend like a puppet from its strings.  Most students feel a lengthening quality in their spine and a calming effect on their nervous system.  It’s a unique and supportive practice that is rarely available.

Private instruction is optimal.

Private Classes

$150 per session

$1000 package of 10

If you would like to sign up for a private session, please contact me here.

  • Gretchen is a sincere teacher and practitioner. Practicing under her guidance has helped me open up and deepen my understanding of the body and mind connection. Through asana, breathwork and meditation, I have learned a whole new paradigm that has become the foundation of how I live my life. Forever grateful to Gretchen and her mentorship.

    —Melissa, Las Vegas

  • Gretchen can support you, in ways you never expected, to live a fuller life with more contentment. She has helped me break habitual patterns and live more in the present. She is an expert guide with limitless compassion.

    —Joanne, San Diego

  • New List ItemI have been deeply touched by the material Gretchen presents, whether “Feeding Your Demons” or Buddhist teachings. Gretchen brings openness, acceptance and focus to her teaching and I have found the safety and courage to face whatever issues are present in my life. Whatever path you are on, Gretchen is a caring and inspiring teacher and guide.

    —Sharon, Palo Alto CA